The much anticipated tablet PC from Apple is released. Apple has decided to name it as iPad, that sounds very similar to a feminine hygiene product. Many are anticipating an iTampon to be released next from Apple (HolyKaw) :)
Jokes aside, the IPad definitely does seem to mark the beginning of the end of the notebooks. The Specs (Ipad Specs) seem very much alright until you glance towards the connectivity section. The basic model has a Wifi. What myself, & i believe everyone else, was waiting for was a 3G support in the basic version. Anyways, there is a Basic + 3G model.
One of the very interesting feature in the iPad is the iBooks App. This will definitely provide a stiff competition to the Amazon's Kindle. Personally having used the Kindle, i find the Book reader as a very useful & innovative idea from Amazon. There is also an EBook reader that is supposed to be launched In february in India (Infibeam's Pi). This is a product made by an Indian Company. Hope to see few more such innovations from the Indian Companies.
The pricing seems to be right. There are a hordes of bloggers who were predicting a pricing in the range >$1000 till yesterday. There was some news of the Apple shares rising by almost 4% once the price was announced.
Will it replace the notebooks? May not entirely. It all depends on the type of Apps, especially the Office Suites & productivity Apps that Apple can bring to the IPad so as to lure the executives. Only time will tell. Will it replace my Personal laptop? Not in near future. I am more than happy with my HP pavilion! However, i would definitely love to have an iPad just to flaunt it in front my friends :)
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