Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lost in LOST!

I ticked off one more item from the pending list of my scheduler. I finally was able to watch all the pending episodes of SEASON 3 of the hugely popular tele-series LOST.

All the episodes were so fast paced and action packed, that it was a perfect recipe for a sure success. No wonder that LOST is among the all time top rated tele series. The DHARMA Inititaitve, the OTHERS, mysterious radio signals, mysterious magnetic fields all do capture the viewers imagination and keep them wanting for more. For all those who want to unearth some mysteries, here is a great site http://lostpedia.com/wiki/Main_Page

The other popular series ‘Prison Break’ turned into a lame duck in its 3rd season. It failed to deliver after promising so much in its first season. Right now it seems that the 3rd seson will be cut short into just 13 episodes. Dont know what Michael Schoffield would do in the remaining 4 episodes. He has to break away from SONA and the finale on Feb 18th would be worth watching.

Have heard quite a bit of positive reviews about HEROES. But somehow, it has not yet made an entry into my scheduler!

Friday, January 11, 2008

ESSC syndrome!

Well, am a fan of Dilbert, Dogbert, Asok and infact of all the characters that Scott Adams uses in his cartoons.

They are so funny and sarcastic that they give everyone a good nice laugh.

Well, here is one i caught recently in a desi dilbert forum:

Mr.A: Hi guys, I went on a trek to Mount XXX. It was so thrilling and adventurous.

Mr.U: You should have actually tried the Mount Everest. Mount xxx is a waste of time.

Mr.A: Infact Mount XXX has some tortuous and steep trails.

Mr.B: Wow, thats great! Hey, i purchased a new diesel SUV. Man, its a great machine. Always wanted to have one.

Mr.U: Very bad. You should have purchased a Petrol Vehicle.

Mr.B: Never mind. I love my possession and like going on long drives.

Mr.C: Guys, we have a desi get together this week to celebrate the Independence Day.

Mr.U: It is a waste of time. Of course, i would not waste my time and money on such silly events.

Mr.D: Btw, what do you do Mr.U?

Mr.U: I am affected by the ESSC (Eat, Shit, Sleep and Complain) syndrome. So, i do ESSC and play XBOX games during my free time!

Mr.U, then goes to another group and…
Mr.U: You know what! A, B, C and D are useless.

hahaha..Remember “Kyunki, Saans…” vamps?